Instructions to Editors


Editorial Criterion

KIMS Foundation and Research Center (KFRC) Publications recognize the importance of an Editorial Board and their contributions in fostering the quality of a publication and the journal's content. With an objective to furnish optimal directions, It adheres COPE guidelines to maintain excellent publication standards and integrity through its stringent Editorial activities.


Editorial Board Policy

KFRC Publications identifies the vitality of an eminent Editorial Board in accomplishing a Journal with their contributions in fostering the quality of a publication and the journal's content. Therefore KFRC Publications follow a rigorous criterion in the selection of Editorial Board members and below mentioned is the criteria for a researcher to meet our Editorial Board policy. All the members are expected to strive to meet the high ethical and publications standards in accordance to COPE and ICMJE guidelines.


Editorial Policy

Editorial policies are subjected to protect and strengthen the journals integrity and quality aiming reader's interest. KFRC provides complete editorial freedom to the Editors-in-Chief with authority to determine journal's content and does not interfere with any sort of evaluation process of manuscripts. All the articles are produced with respect to the scope of the journal based on relevancy, integrity, scientific strength, potential interest, completeness, clarity and ethics. Decisions on manuscripts are not affected by the author's origin, nationality, ethnicity, race, religion or political beliefs. Decisions taken are strictly based on the articles validity and importance to the scientific readers.


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